Monday, January 12, 2015

Little Wonders, Little Moments

Yo everyone! Hope Halloween was awesome for ya~

So I decided to have my question of the week but early this time. Merely because the idea won't leave me alone and all. Haha xD

Well the question of this week is: What is a significant memory you have about your friends? Or rather any memory that was so simple, that it surprises you how if that one moment didn't exist you wouldn't be who you are today? Or you wouldn't have made the connections you have today?

I have three memories, a friend related memory that was by my own doing, another friend memory that wasn't by my own doing, and lastly a school related memory.

So in a complete reverse order let's start with my school memory shall we? This takes place back in middle school in sixth grade (Merlin's beard it's been so long!) and in math, or rather honors math. My math teacher at the beginning of the year had given us a form to fill of where our goal for the next year math level would be. Not being a very confident person I automatically chose to advance one level for the next year instead of skipping two years. However at the ending of the year, my math teacher asked me to step outside of class with her and told me that I have the potential of skipping two years. She believed that I could do it, and it was weird. Since I suppose it was the first time someone actually trusted me. That one moment was so quick. Here I stood with two paths in front of me, and when presented again with them, I chose the other option than before because it felt...right. That feeling like everything is hanging onto this one moment but it isn't burdening, instead it's freeing.

Second memory time! Alright this memory doesn't have to do with anything I did at all. In fact, when I asked this person what drove them to pick me out of all their friends to talk too, they said it's because they thought I would understand. When I heard those words I felt honored, since again, someone trusted me and believe I could potential help. Of course God is the whole reason that I could even help this person who is now one of my best friends. But I digress, the memory wasn't a single event but multiple ones. The summery being that this person reached out in their darkest times and asked for someone to help them. And as I told them then, as I will say now. It might seem like weakness to ask for help, and admit someone's weaknesses. However honestly, it's the bravest action to do in the world. When your world shatters and you find yourself falling, you just hope you will someone who can catch you. To fly free. You know who you are, I'm sure from what I'm saying in this memory. So let me add another thing, don't be afraid of being who you are and never give up on life, because if you do then there are so many individuals that could have touched your path as you touch theirs. If that moment was lost it would definitely be a shame.

My last memory, would have to do with one of my best friends, who stuck with me through all the hurtles and barriers of life since I've meet them. I swear if I hadn't met this person my high school life would have been quite depressing not to mention I definitely wouldn't be alive without her. But then again without all of my friends I definitely wouldn't be alive today, so thanks everyone. But I digress, this is what happened. It was the first day of freshmen year and I was nervous as ever. Especially in my German class since I didn't know anyone, well I knew people but I didn't really know them. So here I am just minding my own business sitting alone when I see this person sitting in front of me alone as well. I had met this person briefly because we had both gone to the East Coast Trip but didn't really know them. I'm not sure what drove me to make my decision the next day, maybe it was gut instinct or sixth sense. But the next day I immediately sat next to that person and next thing you know we're best friends for life (I hope :D). Even now, looking back it amazes me how that one tiny decision decided the course of my life. If I had decided to not sit there, my life would have turned out quite differently and I wouldn't have met my best friend, well one of them.

However isn't that life? The simplest decisions don't seem that impactful but when you look back you realize. That it might seem meaningless, but everything in life has a meaning to it. You just have to open your eyes and see~

"If I could fly free, I would"

Written originally on Nov 1, 2014

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