Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunset, Sunrise

A picture is worth a thousand words...Right? 

At my church we were asked to do a project of sorts, by taking a picture or using an old one, and write an artist statement about why we find that picture important. 

This picture is probably familiar to anyone who has read my first post on this blog. Since it was a picture I used to be part of my passionate rant about poetry. So, here's my artist's statement connected to the picture and I hope you enjoy. 


Artist's Statement

Where beauty's sight,
Depends on eyes's design,

Beginning of the end,
End of the beginning,
Or a shinning new one,

Dusk farewell,
Here approaches the dawn. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dinner for Two?


Well I have a question, shall we get onto it? Very well, what fictional character would you want to have dinner with? Or rather spend the day with?

Personally I'm torn between five different characters, one who probably wonder if I’m insane but think I’m alright after getting to know me, second who would think he’ll understand me a bit more through a cardgame and then think I’m a pretty cool, the third would either belittle me or think I’m a bore but interesting to have come from an alternate dimension, the fourth would be someone who I would quite pleased to learn about his gift as well as know him as a person, and the last would likely insult my intelligence but nevertheless it would be amusing to follow his daily life.

The five individuals I mentioned in no particular order are obviously Sawada Tsunayoshi (KHR), Aichi Sendou (Cardfight Vanguard), Merlin (BBC Merlin), Artemis Fowl II (Artemis Fowl), and Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock BBC or Sherlock Holmes, film).

Sawada Tsunayoshi, known as dame and worthless, misjudged and thought weak. But I love the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) because of how Reborn changed Tsuna's life. The impact that one person can have on someone's life is quite amazing. Although my main reason is because I connect to Tsuna, I know how it feels as if you're useless and worthless, to make so many mistakes we wonder why people give us another chance, what it feels like to be an only child, to not really have a father by there when it really matters, and to not have friendship until it’s almost too late. Then to have an amazing, annoying, loveable, and beautiful group of friends who saved me from the grasps of worse than death and thank you God for that. I suppose I would like to spend time with Tsuna to talk about our friends and our interest, how we like video games, care about our friends, and so on.

Aichi Sendou, winner of many top cardfighting tournaments, quite intelligent, will do whatever to keep those he cares for as well as others safe. But put him in front of a crowd of people to do a speech or answer a question in school and he'll turn all red while trying to blend in the background. Sound familiar? Maybe if you saw how I acted when cardfighting you would see the parallels between Aichi and I. Both of us are easily embarrassed and often rather fade in the background than stand in the spotlight. We’ve both faced bullies in our younger days, know what it feels like to feel hopeless but wish for hope in the hopeless times, and wish most of all for a little bit more strength. However all that hopelessness changes when you face us over a cardfight vanguard board, you have a challenge then. May I add we’re both extremely obsessively protective of our friends? A simple cardgame, brought us a little light and maybe it seems kind of silly for something so simple as a game to show us that there is still hope. But isn’t the stories we listen to as children that spurs us on? Anyway, I want to chill with my favorite cardfighter by cardfighting. Plus I feel like Aichi and I would hit it off as friends, one can never have too many after all. Simple as that.

Merlin, no last name but he is famously known as the first old man in a batter hat and wizard staff, who aided King Arthur Pendragon and his Round Table in creating Albion. Except in this version, Merlin isn’t an old man and he’s actually Arthur’s manservant. It’s just watching Merlin’s struggles as he tries to bring back magic into a kingdom that would probably much rather see his head on a platter is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. The bravery and strength he has but most of all the mistakes he makes are what truly brings this character’s development reality for my eyes. He isn’t the untouchable old powerful man in the stories and legends. But a human who just has that little spark of magic and wisdom, and knows that it isn’t magic that really is evil but the darkness in man’s hearts. Personally I want to meet Merlin and comfort him, to tell him that Arthur might be gone for now. But Albion will always be in our hearts.

Artemis Fowl II, a boy genius who almost toppled an entire race and brilliant in almost everything he does intellectually. Did I mention he happens to be a criminal genius child mastermind? Out of these five characters, Artemis is a childhood story that I have followed since I was a fourth grader. It was and still is one of my favorite stories to read and re-read when I have to chance. When I was younger, the adventures of Artemis captured me because of how exciting and interesting the idea of another world underneath ours would be. But now it is because of the bonds and growth that Artemis as well as other characters goes through that truly make me enjoys this series. Since Artemis was not the kindest of individuals when he was a child, in fact he was pretty cruel. Not surprising being a child criminal mastermind, having his father vanish when he was around nine, his mother becoming mentally ill, and barely anyone to keep him safe but himself and his faithful butler, Butler. Yet as the book progresses, he slowly begins to understand that there is more to life than merely surviving. That life isn’t life without actually LIVING. So I would love to meet Artemis in person to get to know him as a person. Since reading the books, far too many people either underestimate him or overestimate him and rarely does anyone actually take the time to know him as a person. Well obviously like any story Artemis does learn what friendship is and slowly tries to gain redemption for his past actions. So maybe that’s why I connect to him, since I understand how it feels to make too many mistakes and wonder if it’s too late to repair them. Or is it?

Sherlock Holmes, we know him as the incredible first and only counselor detective. Those who watch the BBC version also know him to be blunt, sarcastic, hates the world, and pricelessly funny to watch. In addition to the fact he claims to be a highly functioning sociopath. (But we all know he cares.) Regardless I would love to get to know this particular character because despite the fact he would probably insult me in the first few minutes of meeting. It would be amazing to watch his observations and deductions in reality. In addition to learning the lessons of observations and deduction from Sherlock himself! Not to sound arrogant but I always felt that I was a pretty observant and able to deduct quickly with only a few facts to my disposal. However Sherlock Holmes turns this into an art and the chance to learn from the most observant man himself would be wicked. Not to mention how fun it would be to just learn from the detective because once you get past his tendency to blurt out every truth he can observe from you. Well you have to admit it’s quite amazing with how he can literally tell you, your own life story with only a few facts.
Well, there you go. The five individuals I would enjoy to spend a day with or merely have dinner with. Each of these individuals is unique in their different ways but at the core, not so different from one another than most may think. So tell me, who would you like to spend the day or have dinner with? Place your answer in the comments below! I would love to know.


Truth and Ignorance, Does it set one free or is it bliss?

Hello everyone! SoranoHono here and well, I was just thinking. Being a student, I've written many essays of some subject or another and it just seemed like a huge waste to leave them lying on my computer hard drive. So, I will be posting some essays I've written and I hope you enjoy them! Discuss them, debate about them, whatever. I would love to hear your opinions and well, enjoy!


Facing the Truth Through the Ages
Ignorance Verse Truth
Is the ignorance bliss or does the truth set you free?

            Countless films and written works have debated over the concept of whether ignorance is bliss or does the truth set one free. Each ideal has valid evidences to base itself upon which is why it is such a difficult question to understand, much less draw a conclusion from. Ignorance translates to a lack or avoidance of pursing knowledge. While truth according to some is how the individual perceives it. However, if Socrates were asked his thoughts on the truth, he certainly would disagree with this statement because he believed in a core belief that if an individual knew what was right they would do right.  In Socrates’s eyes, knowledge was power, good, and light while ignorance was to be powerless, evil, and dark. Olive Wendell Holmes Jr., once said “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to tits old dimensions”. When an individual strides forward into the light, they cannot return to the darkness because their eyes have been opened to the light. The written works of The Matrix by the Wachowski brothers, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex, and BBC Merlin each depict a journey of discovering the truth, some more tragic than others and how although the truth is burdening, it is freer than bliss in ignorance could ever be. The truth set one free because it is only through acknowledging the unknown can one journey to discover themselves, aid others in the journey, and improve society as a whole.
             The truth cannot be pursed until one opens their eyes and steps into the light to accept the truth of their self. When in The Matrix, Neo greets Morpheus for the first time, Morpheus provides Neo with a choice of whether to forget ever meeting Morpheus and return to his normal life by taking the blue pill while taking the red pill would reveal a “truth” and proceeds to tell Neo that “All I offer is the truth, nothing more” (The Matrix). The concept of decision is a major lesson within the film and a key idea in discovering one’s self. Morpheus could not force Neo into accepting the pill, it was Neo’s choice whether he would take that step from the darkness into the light. Following this trial of thought, in the beginning of “Allegory of the Caves” a prisoner of the cave is dragged out kicking and screaming, trying to “escape and turn back to the things” back to the illusions within the cave “convinced that they really were clearer than these other objects now being shown to him?”(Plato. 65-67). The caves are a representation of the illusions an individual is blinded by. Since The Matrix is basically a modern rendition of Plato’s allegory, what Neo went through having to be dragged and pushed to discover who he is as the One, is similar to what those in society must do in order to discover who they are. No one can forced them to understand something they already know. Since those blinded by the darkness may acknowledge the light but will not accept it as truth, according to Plato. There is a moment in Act 1 for Oedipus Rex where Tiresias states that it is Oedipus who is the reason for the plague on the city of Thebes which Oedipus denies venomously “You child of endless night! You cannot hurt me or any other man who sees the sun” (Oedipus.1.358). Ironically, since the one who was truly blind in this situation was Oedipus himself because he could not see that Tiresias spoke the truth. Besides not understanding that it was his hand that murdered Laius, Oedipus was also blind to the truth of his true birth parents. If he had known the truth then perhaps he never would have left Corinth and fulfilled the prophecy which sealed his fate to banishment and physical blind eyes. The first step in understanding one’s self is to step out from the night and into the sun, accepting the light as truth. Although there is also the task of aiding others to find the truth, so that decisions may be lay bare, and manipulations shattered.
             There is another task after accepting and understanding one’s self that must be done and that is aiding others to discover the truth. Not everyone desires to “know” the truth about reality because the truth can be painfully world shattering and stressful to acknowledge. When in the “Allegory of the Cave” the prisoner returns to the caves  in an attempt to set free his former fellow captives however he is greeted with hostility and “if they could lay hands on the man who was trying to set them free and lead them up, they would kill him” (Plato. 122-127). Those in the cave has lost their sight or never open their eyes to see the light because of the puppet handlers in the cave who represent those in power that control the prisoners within the cave. Although even the puppet handlers are prisoners themselves being unable to escape the cave. However, if someone were to guide these prisoners out of the cave, they would be able to see the light and find strength in the shattered places. Such as in The Matrix when Neo reckless decided to go save Morpheus because he believed that he could and in the process accepted that he was the One as well as saved Morpheus’s life. Sophocles ends Oedipus Rex with these last words that an individual should not think himself greater than others or gifted by the gods until “Life, at his death, a memory without pain” (Oedipus.Exodos.1470-1473). This Greek play writer warns the people of Athens how an individual should not be hubristic to think themselves gifted by the gods because eventually there will be something that will break them. That only before death can one look back and see if they truly lived life to the fullest by acknowledging their limits and becoming stronger in the broken moments. Not everyone desires to “know” the truth because the hardships it can bring; however, it is through those moments of despair that one can find the inner strength they did not have and shine.   
Although, the truth can set one free, it is also true that ignorance is bliss in certain circumstances because the truth can be stressful and painfully world shattering. If Oedipus never knew about the prophecy perhaps he would have never discovered the truth about his true birth parents and consequently never murdered his father or marry his mother then sire three children with her. However, even with the prophecy looming overhead Oedipus, he still had the freedom of choice. He could have just ignored the words of Apollo and never left Corinth, having confidence in himself that he would never murder his father or marry his mother, and therefore, never taking Laius’s life. In addition, when Oedipus recounts the moment he kills Laius and his company, he could have walked away or allowed the king to pass, but Oedipus instead took Laius’s life and sealed his own fate. In BBC Merlin The Witch’s Quickening, Morgana when arguing with Uther about his decision to give the death sentence to a magical user declared to him, “Because you're an arrogant fool. You were deaf and blind to the very needs of the people you profess to serve and protect! The people will tolerate it no longer!" (Merlin BBC). Uther Pendragon is known a tyrant because of his ruthlessness and hatred against all things magic, resulting from his wife’s death at the hand of using magic to birth a son. Consequently because of his hatred of magic, he is blinded by the truth that magic is not good or evil, but it is the hearts of men that contains evil within. If Uther were to realize his error in abolishing all magic and the countless people he has burned on the stake, he likely would fall into despair out of guilt from his actions. However, living in ignorance to the truth would not be any better because of the countless lives lost and the truth that Uther feels responsible for his wife’s death. Therefore, while ignorance can be bliss, it is only fleeing from the truth that eventually will end in either death as it did for Uther Pendragon or greater tragedy, banishment and physical blindness for Oedipus.
             The truth set one free since it is only through pursing the truth can one find purpose, understanding of one’s self, and aid others from being blinded from the light. The written works of The Matrix by the Wachowski brothers, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex, and BBC Merlin each reflected a journey of discovering the truth, some more tragic than others. It is as Ernest Hemingway stated, “The world breaks us all, and some are stronger in the broken places.” The question is significant in the world today because society deals with this concept daily, either through technology or emotional relationships or responsible thrown upon the younger generation as they grow older. What is left to wonder is whether an individual once blinded by the truth can find the courage to unveil the mask and step into the light. Since though the truth is burdening, it is freer than bliss in ignorance.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Dedicated to Cloud when he was going through a pretty rough time. Love ya bro!

Silence feet on the floor,
Holding breath in,
Trying not to make a sound,
Wishing to fly away from here,

I'm not crazy,
Just a little worried,
Watching how the war,
Is going on out there,

Wish I could grant peace,
Let's hold hands and pray,
Please I just want this hope,
In my chest,
To spring free,
Remember please,

It's just us against the world,
In a place so war torn,
I'm hoping in a hopeless world,
Where love ones forget,
That this argument,
Shouldn't tear us apart,

I'm not crazy,
Just a little worried,
Watching how the war,
Is going on out there,

Why can't anyone understand,
That words are harsh,
They pierce through our armor,
Swords and arrows,
Rendering us nothing but empty shells,

I'm not crazy,
Just a little worried,
Watching how the war,
Is going on out there,

Yet, there is something to remember,
It might hurt now,
But there will be a new fire,
Wind that takes flight,
When ice melts away,
Reborn love and hope,
Take hold of that future and love,
Don't ever let it go,
What doesn't break me makes me stronger,
It's not pretty words,
But they're true.

I'm not crazy,
Just a little worried,
Watching how the war,
Is going on out there,

I'm not crazy,
Just a little worried,
Watching how the war,
Is going on out there.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Little Wonder

You think it's little wonder,
With how the world works,
That it all seems so hopeless,
No matter where you turn,

It's a challenge and a game,
To get through life,
Without a scar,
Since certainly life is too cruel,
To let you go without a mark,

So it's with a clash that friend and foe, 
Come together,
Fighting and warring for the better,

Friend become foe,
While foes stay so,
And it's little wonder,
When you feel the walls closing in,
Or is it the opposite effect?
Where you're all alone,
With nothing stopping you from falling,

Then you laugh,
Since there is nothing more sweeter,
Than despair, 
In the most broken times,

You wonder how long,
How far, you have to fall,
Like Alice in Wonderland, 
How many times do you have to shatter,
Take up the pieces and repair what's been lost,
And even then, heaven's gates seem far off, 

So crawling on the floor with a heavily heart,
Screaming for love and lost,
Mixed emotions stirring within,
Painting a canvas of a blinding light,
Intense and unable to be seen by normal sight,

 Until darkness, 
The absent of light and color,
Takes a hold of you,
And you're wandering in a graveyard,
Dead to the world and dead to yourself,

Broken shattered pieces,
Glass that's lost it's beauty, 
Fractals on the frozen ground, 
Replacing memories with emptiness, 
Until there is but a void,

Yet even in the void there is a beauty,
Silence with no more lies,
Brokenness not of the soul,
But in fact the mask that we hid behind,
Revealing to us the beauty of ourselves despite the night, 

Glass can't be glue together,
But it can be burned,
Bring a new glow,
Although it's tiring,
Trying to put back the pieces of a crumbling life, 
There is still hope, 
In the places you never thought there was,
Where foes once more are friends,
Despite the mistakes on both sides,
Since there is a little thing called,
Forgiveness, and it's a gift, 
Highest gifts of all, 

And that laugh you thought,
Was despair, 
It's more like abandonment,
Leaving behind your former self, 
And flying free from the ashes, 

The walls are the chains,
That bind and blinded you,
No longer exist,
Allowing you realize,
The power of life,

So you're not falling,
You're flying,
Soaring and spreading your wings,
Daring the ground to catch you,
Or the wind to stop you,

Life might be a game,
Yet it's more of a journey, 
A white golden chord, 
Embracing you,
Leading you, 
To somewhere beyond, 
Scars aren't shameful marks,
Their representations of how far you've come, 
How much you've grown, 

So you thinks it's with little wonder,
With the way that the world works,
That hope is a word much less a cause, 

It is though, 
A beaming light that burns the soul,
A rushing wave that freezes the heart, 
Reminding and reforming,
Who we are,
That it's with little wonder,
We are who we are today. 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Seasons and What They Matter

Hey everyone! Yeesh can you believe that the year is almost over? Well anyway, it's another question of the week! And this week the question is quite similar as usual, what is your favorite season and why?

Personally, my favorite season is winter. Although summer is starting to be a close second. In fact, in order my favorite seasons would be winter, fall, summer, and spring. Hey if you look at that, I like the seasons in reverse order. HA!

The reason I love winter is because how it's a moment of reflecting. Since winter is when things start winding down, the end approaching to open the gateways  to the new year. A moment in time when you can think back on what happened in the past year and really think about your decisions as well as how much you've grown.

It's also because snow and ice are beautiful, dangerous, but beautiful and reminds me of hot chocolate near the fireplace while telling funny stories with love ones. Or having fun making snowpeople, snow angels, and have snowball fights. Maybe because winter let's me be a child in the midst of all this craziness we accept as our daily lives. Also it's awe inspiring see all that snow covering everything! I love white winters.

In addition, winter is when we celebrate Christmas! I'm not talking about the presents and parties (though those are pretty awesome too haha) but how Jesus was born with humble beginnings and grew to be our savior. Winter reminds me of His sacrifice and how the start of something new, no matter how small can impact so much.

So, I love winter. I love it for it's symbolism as the end of chapter but the start of a new one. I love it for it's beauty and love. However most of all, I love it for it's redemption and hope.


Written originally on Nov 11, 2014

Little Wonders, Little Moments

Yo everyone! Hope Halloween was awesome for ya~

So I decided to have my question of the week but early this time. Merely because the idea won't leave me alone and all. Haha xD

Well the question of this week is: What is a significant memory you have about your friends? Or rather any memory that was so simple, that it surprises you how if that one moment didn't exist you wouldn't be who you are today? Or you wouldn't have made the connections you have today?

I have three memories, a friend related memory that was by my own doing, another friend memory that wasn't by my own doing, and lastly a school related memory.

So in a complete reverse order let's start with my school memory shall we? This takes place back in middle school in sixth grade (Merlin's beard it's been so long!) and in math, or rather honors math. My math teacher at the beginning of the year had given us a form to fill of where our goal for the next year math level would be. Not being a very confident person I automatically chose to advance one level for the next year instead of skipping two years. However at the ending of the year, my math teacher asked me to step outside of class with her and told me that I have the potential of skipping two years. She believed that I could do it, and it was weird. Since I suppose it was the first time someone actually trusted me. That one moment was so quick. Here I stood with two paths in front of me, and when presented again with them, I chose the other option than before because it felt...right. That feeling like everything is hanging onto this one moment but it isn't burdening, instead it's freeing.

Second memory time! Alright this memory doesn't have to do with anything I did at all. In fact, when I asked this person what drove them to pick me out of all their friends to talk too, they said it's because they thought I would understand. When I heard those words I felt honored, since again, someone trusted me and believe I could potential help. Of course God is the whole reason that I could even help this person who is now one of my best friends. But I digress, the memory wasn't a single event but multiple ones. The summery being that this person reached out in their darkest times and asked for someone to help them. And as I told them then, as I will say now. It might seem like weakness to ask for help, and admit someone's weaknesses. However honestly, it's the bravest action to do in the world. When your world shatters and you find yourself falling, you just hope you will someone who can catch you. To fly free. You know who you are, I'm sure from what I'm saying in this memory. So let me add another thing, don't be afraid of being who you are and never give up on life, because if you do then there are so many individuals that could have touched your path as you touch theirs. If that moment was lost it would definitely be a shame.

My last memory, would have to do with one of my best friends, who stuck with me through all the hurtles and barriers of life since I've meet them. I swear if I hadn't met this person my high school life would have been quite depressing not to mention I definitely wouldn't be alive without her. But then again without all of my friends I definitely wouldn't be alive today, so thanks everyone. But I digress, this is what happened. It was the first day of freshmen year and I was nervous as ever. Especially in my German class since I didn't know anyone, well I knew people but I didn't really know them. So here I am just minding my own business sitting alone when I see this person sitting in front of me alone as well. I had met this person briefly because we had both gone to the East Coast Trip but didn't really know them. I'm not sure what drove me to make my decision the next day, maybe it was gut instinct or sixth sense. But the next day I immediately sat next to that person and next thing you know we're best friends for life (I hope :D). Even now, looking back it amazes me how that one tiny decision decided the course of my life. If I had decided to not sit there, my life would have turned out quite differently and I wouldn't have met my best friend, well one of them.

However isn't that life? The simplest decisions don't seem that impactful but when you look back you realize. That it might seem meaningless, but everything in life has a meaning to it. You just have to open your eyes and see~

"If I could fly free, I would"

Written originally on Nov 1, 2014

Song of the Week

Hello peeps and my fellow insane people in this rather crazy world! And welcome to another question of the week where we wonder about life in general and what is wrong with humanity.

This week's question is simple, what is your theme song of the week? What song this week do you think represents YOU?

Currently I have multiple songs that I consider my theme song(s) and many of you know my main theme song :). However the one that stands out at the moment is: "Me against the World" by Simple Plan.

My reasoning is simple, since currently between the homework, tests, and applications I'm about to go crazy. Especially with my parents ranting and raving about it all. When I'm pretty messed up in the head myself already.

Yet this one song, captures that beautifully all in one, it really resonates with me.

"I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've gotta prove them wrong
Me against the world
It's me against the world"

Above is just one stanza in the song, but it reflects my situation perfectly. You know those times when you want to scream to the world, "I know! I know! I know! I know that there is tons I should be doing and I should have done earlier. But with all the talk you have about moving forward for the future you keep on dragging stuff up from my past and shoving it into my face. I want to move forward, but how can I when you remind me all the mistakes I've made?"

But this one song, gives me a hope. Since it says, you know what? Yeah you're pretty messed up and everyone might back you into a corner telling who you should be and why. That doesn't mean that you have to listen though. So BE yourself, don't let anyone tell you want you can't or can do. WRITE your own path and WALK it.

"Now I'm sick of this waiting
So come on and take your shot
You can spit all your insults
But nothing you say is gonna change us
You can sit there and judge me
Say what you want to
We'll never let you in"

Call it stubbornness, call it rebelling, call it whatever you want. This song reminds me that, yes I will take everyone's thought into consideration but that doesn't mean you can boss me around and put me down for my choices. Heck no. Only God can do that.

So, I'm going to end this with a section of a poem I wrote :)

"So you're not falling,
You're flying,
Soaring and spreading your wings,
Daring the ground to catch you,
Or the wind to stop you."


Written originally on Oct 29, 2014

These Dying Wills

It's a new week so a new question for everyone to think about! Here is the question everyone, what is your favorite weather? In other words, out of sky, storm, rain, sun, lighting, mist, and cloud, which do you like best?

I think my profile name kind of gives it away which one I like best. So why sky? Mainly because of KHR,  since the sky represents those who believes and accepts others. But also since the sky is lonely, when it's all clear, and is nothing in sight, it almost feels like it's about to come down and swallow you whole.

Yet at the same times, it is really so lonely? There are the clouds and sun to accompany it in the morning and afternoon. While in the night, there are the stars and moon to shine in the spotlight.

It's always there, watching over us and well no matter where you are in the world someone is looking up at the sky with you. It's the same sky everywhere and it's always changing from night to day or rain to shine or the opposite. Yet it's still beautiful in it's own way because there is something unspeakable and magical about it. It's vast, almost never ending.

It's a breath of fresh air, it's peaceful, and when I look up. I feel like I can just stand there and enjoy that moment of peace in a crazy world like ours which at times it feel like I'm hanging off a cliff about to drop and there is nothing to catch me. It's the same with looking at the sky, but like I said, there is something about it that feels that even if I let go. The wind will catch me, there is someone out there that I haven't met who will catch me before I fall. Most of all, God will catch me.

So I like the sky. It's obvious beauty in plain sight, you just have to let it go (pun intended) and watch the skies. :)


Written originally on Oct 19, 2014

Colors Clash

Hey everyone! I just feel like ranting today, nothing negative actually just wanted to start a discussion. So question of the day is wait for it....what is your favorite color!?

Lol, no serious what is everyone's favorite color and why?

My favorite color is orange. At first my reason for liking the color was because of a certain anime/manga I watched/read called Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Since in Reborn, there are these powers called dying will. When your resolution was strong enough they would appear as a flame of a certain color that represented a weather, each weather reflecting a personality type. Orange represented sky flames, the one who accepted all and believed in others. I've always been the friendship girl in my group of friends and well the idea of the sky flame just resonated with me. In addition to the fact my favorite character Sawada Tsunayoshi had sky flames.

However, unlike before there is a deeper meaning for orange to be my favorite color now. A small reason is that orange remind me of my favorite fruit, hard and tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Tangy but sweet, so surprising when you bite into it. It wakes you up in the morning or comforts you at night.

Here is another reason why, since orange reminds me of sunsets and sunrises, of the sky when it turns to dusk or rises into dawn. When the world is peaceful for that one moment that you want to capture on film or just sit next to the ocean or lake and bask in the glory of nature. When the rays of the sun spreads around you and wraps you in a blanket of light. Where you can whisper to yourself in the quiet, this world might seem so war tore by life but really, there is a beauty to it.

Orange is fire, the lowest temperature of fire. If you were to touch it, it would hurt but it's comfortable to sit next too. Watching as the smoke float into the air in the dead of the night. There is something magical in orange, it's the least liked color yet it holds so much meaning to me. It's creepy looking when it's a pasty orange or a dark orange, but light neon bright orange is nice. Like I said, it's warm, comforting, and reminds me of home.

So I love orange! Tell me what your favorite color and let's discuss~


Written originally on Oct 9, 2014

Poetry Comes From The Soul...

Hiya! The name is Sky or rather Arianna Skyflame and I am a poet. Or an amateur one at least. 

So my friend Richard told me that he was going to have guest bloggers post on his blog. Well, obviously I was asked or else I wouldn't have written this. However, I wanted to post my thoughts on my own blog too. So, that's how this story starts here. 

Now what to talk about, I could give you some advice about life and how stressful it can be. But that it's all worth it in the end (or should it be the beginning of new beginnings)? Regardless, I actually have a perfect idea that just came to mind. Allow me, to tell you, my fellow insane, wondrous, amazing, and insane writers, poets, and other literal arts talented people as well as not, about how I view POETRY.

Poetry isn't a strange mixture of words that are bunched together to rhyme. Poetry also isn't something that can be understood quickly. Perhaps the surface explanation or view could be understood that quickly but there is so much more underneath. It isn't merely whether the words sound nice or whether it expresses a cause. Poetry cannot and will not be constrained to a few measly lines and thoughts. To do so would limit unlimited potential. No, poetry is more than any of this. 

What is poetry then? Simple. 

Poetry is life.

Is that cheesy? Yes, quite so. 

Poetry is life. Poetry is like music when it flows through you and you find yourself dancing to the beat like you're a part of the piece. It's when you're watching a performance of some literal art and thinking that you've stepped into something otherworldly. A spellbinding event that never leaves your soul. It's when you are the performer and feeling as if you're a mixture of all sorts of emotions you can't describe. 

Poetry is the heartbreak of that first true love or the first breakdown you have because life isn't going your way. It's love at first sight or hatred at first sight. All the relationships between you and another person put on display and either you're ashamed by it or don't give a care what others think. It's when you're shouting for joy while skipping in the rain or racing through the streets while watching the scenery fly by. 

Poetry is like taking a picture. It speaks a thousand words and then some. It's capturing that one moment to frame forever because it's so simple yet not. So beautiful but heartbreaking and soul shattering. That feeling when the illusions you hid behind, fracture and break, under the pressure of reality. It's silence but loud, fearful but anger, couragous but weakness, and hurt but loved. It's when you crumble under the weight of life and scream for release. It's begging for another way out from oppression and suppression. When you fight tooth and nail to find another way, ANY way to survive and live. Not just survive but LIVE. Its the voice of the joyful, broken, loved, hated, humble, cursed, healed, damned, and more. It's everything and anything you possibly imagine if you set your mind to it. 

It's flying and drowning at the same time. When you feel the walls closing in and when you feel like it's too open. As if you're exposed to the world and not. It's you and this surface that you're writing on with a look of glee, passion, exhaustion, and understanding. When the world seems so clear yet cloudy. It's like how glass is similar to happiness, when you look at it from different angles some new beauty is shown. 

Poetry is a contradiction of itself. Healing and hurting, loving and hating, believing and condemning, and much more. A story, a scene, a mini movie played out, a tv show, and ect. It's people and the lives they love or try to live. Their dreams, hopes, and goals. It's the hero, wanderer, and prisoner. It's humans at their best and worse, nature at its best and worse, and beings in general at their best and worse. 

When people lose hope or when they forget what it means to be human or to understand morals. It's the gentle comfort or harsh slap from reality that reminds us of the truth. At it's worse it can be the drive pursuing our blindness instead of aiding in it's cure. Poetry asks all those difficult questions you want the answer to and don't want because you know how earth shattering it will be. But, you know deep down that you need this wake up call. 

It's feeling everlasting loneliness and wondering if you'll ever stop wandering and actually find the road you're suppose to travel. It's running and not running from the lies and the truth. It's promoting a cause and waving that banner high so that people will care and open their eyes from the blindness of every day life. Its a record of history, the future, past, and now. It's a message that resonates in our souls, minds, and hearts. 

It's you and it's me. It's us on this bumpy road wondering where we're going and never stopping. Either crawling or hopping, running or walking, swimming or drowning, and leaving the other person in the pit of fire or grabbing for that hand reaching out to aid or for aid. It's us twirling and flying with the stars and moon while bursting with the same fiery as the sun.

Most of all it's redemption, and being forgiven for our transgressions. Or the flip side of the coin where we are hated and cursed. Yet in the end, poetry at its core is our humanity and legacy set to fly free. Leaving a mark on history that'll soon fade and may never be remembered because we're all ghosts according to time. Yet, maybe what matters isn't whether our legacies last but that they HAPPENED and inspired others when they were remembered. Since everything happens for a reason, whether for good or bad. They determine who we are, who we become, and why we became so. 

For poetry in some simplest words is when you're gazing at the skies and realizing there is someone else out there watching the same skies. That most importantly you're all connected and never, ever, alone. 

...That is poetry. 



Written originally on Jan 12, 2015