Monday, February 23, 2015

Isolation, Can You Handle The Cold?

Hello my fellow writers and readers alike, welcome to another question of the week! I do hope you've all been having a good day but if you aren't. Regardless, my prayers are with you. (elegant sweep bow)

Now, the question this week is simple but complex at the same time. What is isolation to you? What is your definition of isolation and why? 

Isolation. It's my greatest fear, and my greatest comfort. Strange? I've seen, heard, and experienced stranger. But isolation for me, has been my companion from the moment I was born to now. 

We all crave some form of comfort from others even if we say we don't. I don't care if you're a loner, introvert, social outcast, rebel, socially awkwardly, and ect. We all need someone or something to keep us going. Even if we hate to admit it. 

My personal story, is that I'm descendant from three generations where everyone had a sibling. The grandparents, mothers, fathers, cousins, uncles, and aunts all had siblings. I'm the only one who doesn't. Let's add in the fact I'm a naturally socially awakard child, somewhat introverted, and you have a recipe for disaster. A lonely one. 

But I don't mind it. Honestly. Even now when all my close friends are far away and I barely see them day to day. Since I still stay in contact with them through text, call, email, and blogging. Plus, being alone teaches you the true meaning and worth of what is valuable. 

Watching and observing the world, it's amazing what people miss if they only stop, stare, and mediate on what they see about the world around them. Maybe they'll realize that kid they think is annoying and bratty is really just craving for someone to CARE, maybe that person who is watching the skies and barely paying attention to the current conversation isn't because they don't care but they are just too busy seeing how beautiful this world God made, maybe that shy person is really an unbelievable story teller, maybe that absolutely normal seemingly boring person is a hero, maybe that cruel individual is only because they forgot the meaning of LOVE and need someone to remind them, maybe that group of rebels are really supporting a life changing cause, maybe that individual you care less about will save your life someday, maybe you'll save their life, or maybe, that person will bring about a revolution of unimaginable levels.

Who knows? 

What I know is this, isolation taught me hatred, it's taught me love, it taught me pain, it taught me healing, it taught me damnation, it taught me salvation, it brought out the worse in me, it brought out the best, it taught me selfishness, it taught me kindness, it taught me the loss of dreams, and the discovery of them. It taught me failure and success, the difference between winning and succeeding. It taught me that GOD LOVES ME. That the good as cheesy as it sounds, outweights the bad. Most of all, it taught me life.

I'm not prefect. I'm imperfect. But I'm loved, and that everyone, no matter how alone you are. How damned you feel, you are LOVE. And that is what matters. 

So tell me, what does isolation mean to you? What is your definition, experience, and what has it taught you? 


Originally Written Feb 14, 2015

1 comment:

  1. Isolation is the lack of interaction between hearts. To isolate oneself is to close one's soul to others. For me, isolation invokes in my mind the moon. Imagine being an astronaut, thousands of kilometres away from any human being. It's like this suffocating feeling, utter loneliness. But these situations are rare. Most often, isolation is self induced. There is normally no physical barrier that secludes one person.
