Monday, February 23, 2015

Liar With A Face

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! 

I, the wonderous writer and ponder of daily things Sora, have decided to step aside from the stage tonight and instead another performer shall entertain you. Her name, called affectionally by me despite not being her true name, is Karasu. May her tale of lies, masks, and romance enchants you all. 

Let the show, begin! 

~ Sora

"Here is my guest post: "Liar with a Face"
For my dearest Sky, I have written a love story. 
She asked me to make a guest post related lying and acting, 
...and thus I present to you this story."

I'm not sure how I acquainted myself with the duke's daughter in the first place, but I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that she was my neighbour when I was a child. With blonde hair, blue eyes, and a weary smile that stained her dishonest countenance, she always wrought in me suspicion. Yet somehow, we became gradual friends and remained in touch even when we went our separate ways. 

No one knows her true face, really. She's unsure if she even has one to begin with. But as for me, I would object to such a sentiment. 

She is a compulsive liar, perhaps out of habit, or out of nature, or a combination of both. She never tells big lies, of course. Those are too heavy and she lacks the imagination and energy to hold up such a large façade, so she tells many, many small lies instead. They don't add up to one big lie, as they are all inconsequential and mostly unrelated, in the same way the colour of your shoes has nothing to do with what you'll eat for dinner tomorrow. 

Nevertheless, regardless if her lies are small or large, one thing remains true: her life is a lie.


She is a brilliant actress, able to completely immerse herself deeply and wholly into any role given to her. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that she becomes one with her character. 

It's probably because the stage is the one place where she can be completely honest with herself. The stage is her truth, her reality, and her domain. It is where she reigns supreme as queen of the theatre.

But the instant she steps off, she is thrown into complete disarray. Lost and helpless, she is the fly that struggles in her own web of illusions. 


She bows and the heavy velvet curtains close, obscuring her in darkness. The audience stands up and claps noisily, impressed by her performance. Some of them dab at their eyes with handkerchiefs, lauding the four hour long tragedy that had been presented to them so artfully. 

I frown with distaste, not bothering to rise from my seat. I just don't get the appeal of a dragged-out sob story between a man and his lunatic fiancé. Yet somehow, these shallow people are entertained by such contrite drama.

Ironically, half an hour later, I'm the only one still sitting among rows and rows of red velvet chairs. I wouldn't be doing something like this if it were not for her. 

The liar. 

The actress. 

"Hello," she greets me, still dolled up in her stage makeup and shimmering red dress, blonde locks of hair cascading down her shoulders. She is beautiful, but I don't he'll her this. 

There is dissatisfaction in her blue eyes, and I know that she isn't about to forgive me yet. "Good evening."

"What do you think you're doing here?" she snaps. "Don't think I've forgotten."

I look at her for a few moments before rising from my seat. Walking up right next to her, I reply, "Of course not. Look, I'm sorry. I know what I've done was really wrong."

She doesn't say anything.

"But you know what? I think you've done plenty wrong, too. Why won't you just accept the truth?"

Her body stiffens, anxious. "Truth? About what?" she laughs drily. 

I hate that forced laughter of hers. It annoys me. "About yourself. About me. About us."

Those eyes of hers are now widening. She parts her red-painted lips, as if about to speak, but nothing comes out of her mouth.

"I apologised. Now it's your turn. We can still make this right."

"Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Well, this time, it can." 

The corners of her mouth quirk upwards. "Even if I say 'I'm sorry,' it's still forced."

Smirking, I whisper into her ear, "As long as you say it."

She closes her eyes for a moment. After a few minutes in silence, she finally says, "I'm sorry."

"Hah." I stand back, crossing my arms in triumph. 

"Don't think I really mean it," she warns me.

I study her face before giving her my verdict. "Liar."

"I'm not lying."

"You are such a liar," I accuse, closing our distance. "But for a little scion, you're really bad at it. You've always been bad at it."

She entwines gloved fingers in mine, red lips drawing dangerously close. "You're the only one who ever figured me out. Not even I could do it."

I chuckled. "Now you're just flatteri—" 

I was cut off by soft lips that taste like strawberries and cream. 

Sweeping her in my arms, in the dim light of the theatre, I kiss her back. 

Isolation, Can You Handle The Cold?

Hello my fellow writers and readers alike, welcome to another question of the week! I do hope you've all been having a good day but if you aren't. Regardless, my prayers are with you. (elegant sweep bow)

Now, the question this week is simple but complex at the same time. What is isolation to you? What is your definition of isolation and why? 

Isolation. It's my greatest fear, and my greatest comfort. Strange? I've seen, heard, and experienced stranger. But isolation for me, has been my companion from the moment I was born to now. 

We all crave some form of comfort from others even if we say we don't. I don't care if you're a loner, introvert, social outcast, rebel, socially awkwardly, and ect. We all need someone or something to keep us going. Even if we hate to admit it. 

My personal story, is that I'm descendant from three generations where everyone had a sibling. The grandparents, mothers, fathers, cousins, uncles, and aunts all had siblings. I'm the only one who doesn't. Let's add in the fact I'm a naturally socially awakard child, somewhat introverted, and you have a recipe for disaster. A lonely one. 

But I don't mind it. Honestly. Even now when all my close friends are far away and I barely see them day to day. Since I still stay in contact with them through text, call, email, and blogging. Plus, being alone teaches you the true meaning and worth of what is valuable. 

Watching and observing the world, it's amazing what people miss if they only stop, stare, and mediate on what they see about the world around them. Maybe they'll realize that kid they think is annoying and bratty is really just craving for someone to CARE, maybe that person who is watching the skies and barely paying attention to the current conversation isn't because they don't care but they are just too busy seeing how beautiful this world God made, maybe that shy person is really an unbelievable story teller, maybe that absolutely normal seemingly boring person is a hero, maybe that cruel individual is only because they forgot the meaning of LOVE and need someone to remind them, maybe that group of rebels are really supporting a life changing cause, maybe that individual you care less about will save your life someday, maybe you'll save their life, or maybe, that person will bring about a revolution of unimaginable levels.

Who knows? 

What I know is this, isolation taught me hatred, it's taught me love, it taught me pain, it taught me healing, it taught me damnation, it taught me salvation, it brought out the worse in me, it brought out the best, it taught me selfishness, it taught me kindness, it taught me the loss of dreams, and the discovery of them. It taught me failure and success, the difference between winning and succeeding. It taught me that GOD LOVES ME. That the good as cheesy as it sounds, outweights the bad. Most of all, it taught me life.

I'm not prefect. I'm imperfect. But I'm loved, and that everyone, no matter how alone you are. How damned you feel, you are LOVE. And that is what matters. 

So tell me, what does isolation mean to you? What is your definition, experience, and what has it taught you? 


Originally Written Feb 14, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Masks, Hide Me Not, Hide Me Yes?

Hello all! So here is my first guest post, merely since my best friend who I consider a brother started too and I was interested as well. We are all writers, readers, and dreamers after all. Therefore, I gave him a topic...masks. Since I'm sure all of you have wear enough for multiple lives... At least I have, but that is another story. So ladies and gentelmen, give it up for my brother in all but blood Richard Lee (also known as Tachi to me)! 

Ps. Here is a link to his blog!

Andy is the boy with blue eyes like an endless ocean of God's blessings, while the other boys my age seemed to beg for the same ocean. The girl he is always with tells everyone he knows Einstein's equations and Yellow Submarine on the guitar. He lets me wear his football jersey and kisses me on the cheek. We all roll our eyes, but burn inside.

I don't know why but Andy wanted to be my friend. I'll stand by you to the bitter end, he said. No masks because we're friends now. 

No masks he said.

We sat on his bed as he showed me how to form my fingers into a A-minor chord on his guitar. He wanted to teach me to play the guitar. Then his older brother came crashing into the room , all six feet two of him, and punched Andy straight on the jaw. Andy sighed, and I cried. Go away, his brother said, you don't want to see this. His parents will kill him. He dragged me to the door and locked the lock.

Andy didn't come to school the next day, or the next. When he did come a week later, his eyes were black and his face was cut in red.

No masks because we're friends now, I said. 

He gave me a glance.

A few days later the truth came loose. 
No masks, right Andy? You said no masks. Why did you hide it all from me, and take it all out on yourself? 

Till we meet again in Heaven, dear friend.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Aristotle and Friendship

The concept of friendship has always been something that was close to my heart, and not just in the gushy fluffy emotional way. But rather it’s always been something that baffled, intrigued, and made logical sense to me all at the same time. When reading Aristotle’s opinion and observations about friendship, I found myself agreeing whole heartedly with his thoughts. Merely by comparing his observations with my own, such as the idea that when friendships are first form it is for mutual benefits whether pleasure or usage. However deepeningthese bonds through the parties’ similar characteristics and beliefs then pushes this friendship into becoming somethingstronger. Therefore resulting in loyalty combined alongside friendship benefiting one in their plans either politically or justice wise.

            Mainly, I suppose that is what I learned from Aristotle, not that I didn’t have any inkling about how friendship can benefit or be the reverse either politically or justice wise. But I never thought of it within those fields. It never occurred to my daily thought processes that friendship plus loyalty equals what candetermine the political parties of today goals or the king’s relationship with his subjects in the past. In addition to justice, where friendships can influence how one perceives the world around them according to the morals all parties have.

        Although there is something I disagree about Aristotle’s theory on friendship, perhaps I am being idealistic or naïve, but I believe that true friendship does exist. Where Aristotle based friendship on benefits such as pleasure and usage, I believe that is only the beginning of friendship. That it is possible for that friendship to grow deeper so that instead of bonding for benefits it is a bond from loyalty and care of the other. Most of all, I believe that there is a version of friendship where no matter what mistakes any parties make that the one who is targeted can forgive the guilty party. That the friendship will then grow stronger because of those mistakes. It’s true that Aristotle said that only friendships that have faced multiple challenges could deepen. Perhaps humans are selfish because I can see that friendship in a sense is finding others similar or maybe even completely different from yourself in order to understand yourself as a person, support a cause, feel better from helping others, or whatever ulterior motives we possibly could have. However, Socrates did say that knowledge is goodness, and so would it not be right to aid others in goodness?

         Regardless, I agree with everything that Aristotle had to share about friendship and how it is involved with justice and politics. Perhaps it is selfish and self centered to have friendship as a way to progress one’s self and others. Yet if you care about that person, and would sacrifice much for that individual, then maybe it isn’t self serving after all. Maybe, it’s understanding what it means to be human.


I will always remember those nights,
When I look outside my window,
Remembering the past,
How time blows by me like the wind, 

There's something magical about this day though,
Maybe it's inspiration? 
I'm not sure but I only know this,
Life is too short to wallow in what could have been,
So I want to reach out to that future so far away,

Lalala this is my plea,
See the stars glowing brightly,
The moon bathing us in it's light,
I want to grasp the future,
And never let go, 
Yet remember to live too,

Hey do you remember when we were children? 
No troubles, no sorrows, just us playing on swing sets and nothing stopping us from dreaming?

Then life took us by the hand,
Showing us the harsher realities of life,
We start forgetting the magic in it,
Just see facts and figures,

But there's something in this moment,
That makes me remember childhood glee,
So can you sing along with me? 

Lalala this is my plea,
See the stars glowing brightly,
The moon bathing us in it's light,
I want to grasp the future,
And never let go, 
Yet remember to live too,

Yeah, let's hold onto the future, 
Never letting go of our childhood dreams, 

Lalala this is my plea,
See the stars glowing brightly,
The moon bathing us in it's light,
I want to grasp the future,
And never let go, 
Yet remember to live too,

Lalala this is my plea,
See the stars glowing brightly,
The moon bathing us in it's light,
I want to grasp the future,
And never let go, 
Yet remember to live too,

Remember to live,
Remember to love,
Remember oh remember.
